In 2005 Foot-Tapping Records boss Clive Duffin set upon the ambitious task of building their own studios after the success of a number of releases under the label. An unconventional use for a disused barn in the Hampshire countryside, Clive converted the 19th Century barn in to a state-of-the-art recording studio.
Rock’n’roll singer, songwriter, musician and producer Darrel Higham can be found engineering some sessions, along with our in house engineer and Studio Manager, Graham Dominy.
Embassy Studios compromise of a reception and recreation area with kitchen facilities, control room including a 32 channel analog mixer, live/recording room and vocal recording room. The studios have gone through recent refurbishment during 2017. View our Studio Facilities.
Embassy Studios is the studio for all occasions, some of the services we can offer include:
– Recording for Bands
– Recording for Singers
– Studio Experience Days
– Rehearsal Space
– Mixing
– Mastering
The team are here to help, feel free to get in touch to see how we can help with your next recording.